Sex and fitness go together like, well, sex and fitness! Test your sexual know-how with 10 true-or-false questions taken from our past online articles.   True or False: An unlikely team of scientists and porn actresses banded together with a variety...
Lace up your shoes, crank up your favorite workout jams and lock it in with this 25-minute home bodyweight workout. You will burn fat, build muscle and seriously sculpt your abs right from home with this quick and intense home...
Flaxseed provides multiple health benefits! It contains omega-3, alpha linoleic acid, fiber and lignans, and is also conveniently available as flaxseed oil, grounded, flour or powder. Here are some great benefits of flaxseed: Reduces cholesterol. A study in the 2008 British Journal of...
Although they often get a bad rap, fats are an essential nutrient in the body and can play many important roles when it comes to your health, well-being and your fitness results. Fats play a vital role in maintaining...
Carbohydrates— types of macronutrients found in many foods like fruits, veggies, starches, milk, seeds and grains— are important in a balanced diet because they contribute to correct and efficient body function. According to the Mayo Clinic, “The most basic...
Summer may be coming to an end, but that doesn’t put an end to my love for yummy salads. This lentil salad has been one of my favorites and will continue to make an appearance this fall. This lentil...
It’s that time of year when the sun is out and you know with the sun comes my annual Summer Squat Challenge. I love seeing everyone, from all over the world, rock their 100 squats a day and make...
Do you have a sweet tooth? I do. Big time! So for the most part, I just stay away from sugar. I’m aware that it’s an addictive substance and once I start, I just can’t stop. Especially with M&M’s....

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